What are the benefits of an Irrigation System?

Time to Put Your Garden to Bed

This is the time of the year when Alberta can start the day with a frost then by afternoon we are enjoying twenty-something temperatures! We are all busy though gathering the rewards of our summer labours; fruits and vegetables are being preserved for winter meals, herbs are dried, late-blooming flowers enjoyed. There are also things we can do to get our garden and landscaping ready for the winter ahead.

Tips to get ready for winter

1. Trees and shrubs need a good watering in the last half of September or early October before freeze up. This helps them survive the fluctuating temperatures we get in the Calgary area.

2. Grass will continue to grow and stay green if you water through the Fall. Autumn is when the roots are active so it isn’t too late to lay sod.

3. Evergreen trees such as Spruce and Pine will begin to show signs of yellow inner needles. This is a normal seasonal activity. By giving a good soaking of water it will ensure that new needles will grow in the Spring.

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Final Tips to Get Your Garden Ready for Winter

Alberta is an amazing province to live in but perhaps the biggest challenge is the weather and this Fall has lived up to our reputation for uncertain weather. Here at Landscape Plus we have been busy blowing out irrigation systems, putting the finishing touches on landscape projects while purchasing salt, shovels, ice scrapers and checking our snow removal equipment all in preparation for the upcoming winter.

There are a few things you can also do before that first big freeze.

1. It is a really good idea to give a deep watering to all the trees and shrubs before the ground freezes. It is better for the ground to freeze wet than dry. The most susceptible part of the plant to cold temps is the roots. So if the ground is frozen wet it is a consistent temperature all winter.

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