lawn care tips for spring

Lawn Care Tips for Spring

As the warmth of spring approaches, it’s the perfect time to revitalize your lawn for the upcoming growing season. Here are some key tips to ensure your yard is lush and healthy.

Sharing our landscaping tips

1. Power Rake: Start by clearing away debris, leaves, thatch, snow mold, and any signs of vole damage with a power rake. This step not only enhances the appearance of your lawn but also improves airflow, which is crucial for preventing disease.

2. Aeration: Compacted soil can hinder the growth of grass by restricting access to water, air, and nutrients. Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to alleviate compaction and promote better root growth. This allows essential elements to penetrate directly to the root zone, fostering a healthier lawn overall.

3. Fertilization: Fuel your lawn with the nutrients it needs by applying a slow-release fertilizer. This nourishes both the blades and roots, providing the foundation for a robust and vibrant lawn throughout the season. A well-fed lawn is also better equipped to resist the invasion of broadleaf weeds, promoting a uniform and weed-free appearance.

4. Weed Control Application: Keep broadleaf weeds at bay by applying a targeted weed killer as needed. Spot treatment is effective in maintaining a healthy lawn while minimizing the use of chemicals. By tackling weeds early on, you can prevent them from competing with grass for essential resources.

a photo of a lawn
5. Know Your Lawn: . A healthy lawn naturally suppresses weed growth, so prioritizing its overall health is key. Keep an eye on thatch buildup, the layer between the green blades and white roots, ensuring it remains below 2cm or ¾”. Excessive thatch can suffocate the grass and hinder its growth, so timely removal is crucial for maintaining a vibrant lawn.

Follow these Lawn Care Tips

By following these spring lawn care tips, you can set the stage for a season of lush greenery and outdoor enjoyment. With proper maintenance and attention to detail, your yard will be the envy of the neighborhood in no time.

Want a hand? Reach out to us about our Spring Maintenance Services.

bark mulch thickness alberta landscape plus

Using Bark Mulch in Alberta

In Alberta, the recommended thickness for applying bark mulch in a flower bed is typically between 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm). This thickness provides sufficient coverage to reap the benefits of mulching while allowing for proper air and water circulation in the soil.

Here are a few considerations regarding mulch thickness

Weed suppression

To effectively suppress weed growth, it is essential to apply a thick enough layer of mulch. A 2 to 4-inch thickness helps smother weed seeds and prevents them from receiving enough sunlight to germinate.

Moisture retention

A mulch layer of 2 to 4 inches is generally effective in retaining moisture in the soil. It helps reduce water evaporation and maintains a more consistent level of soil moisture, which is particularly valuable in Alberta’s climate.

Organic matter decomposition

Over time, the bark mulch will decompose and contribute organic matter to the soil. A thicker layer of mulch allows for a gradual breakdown, enriching the soil with nutrients and improving its structure.

Aesthetics and plant health

Applying a proper thickness of mulch enhances the visual appeal of the flower bed while providing insulation and protection to the plant roots. It helps regulate soil temperature, prevents erosion, and supports healthy plant growth.

It’s important to note that excessive mulch thickness can create problems such as reduced air circulation, moisture retention leading to over-saturated soil, and potential root suffocation. Therefore, it’s recommended to maintain the mulch layer within the suggested range of 2 to 4 inches for optimal results.

Kerry’s Tip: At the trunk,  start with a thin layer of mulch to allow sufficient airflow.  Moving away from the trunk, the mulch can get thicker increasing to 3-4 inches in the spaces between the plants.

Want more tips and tricks for yard and property maintenance? Follow us on Facebook!

Landscape Plus Client Showcase

Landscape Plus Client Showcase – Gagnon Residence

About the Job

This property owner worked at Landscape Plus when she was 18 and has remained in touch ever since. Her yard is in the northwest quadrant of Calgary. She loves plants and wanted to get rid of her thin awful grass. The yard is sloped towards the road so any water that lands on the yard runs off into the road.

Landscaping & Design

We completely gutted the yard and removed the grass etc. and leaving a few huge spruce trees and a Schubert Chokecherry. We added the large Rosetta stone steps and installed a cobblestone paver walkway with lower landing. The old stairs have a new cedar look over them and a couple of privacy panels were installed on either side property lines.

The lower level has a washed rock over a professional-grade landscape fabric so that when a vehicle is parked on the street and the passenger gets out, they aren’t stepping and juggling over plants as there is no sidewalk on this side of the street.

Plant Material & Considerations

The plant material is all hardy zone 3. Ornamental shrubs are used throughout for a year-round foundation. Then the perennials are added for an ever-changing blooming time from spring to fall. Mushroom manure was added to amend the existing depleted soil.

We used feature boulders throughout to make it look more natural and to help with any erosion that would happen when those big summer thunderstorms downpours arrive. The yard has a good thick 3“ layer of bark mulch to retain the moisture. There is also a micro irrigation head installed at the base of each plant.

The local rabbit loves to reside in the yard on a regular basis and the squirrels weren’t disturbed and continue to do life in and among the spruce trees!

Click here to check out our Landscaping Services.


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water smarter - set it and forget it

Smart Irrigation Month – How to water smarter


As the mercury rises 🌡 we see irrigation systems kicking in more and more. Have you ever noticed that some seem to be more efficient than others? Read on for our tips on how to water smarter.

Conserve Water by Designwater smarter - conserve water by design

Smart watering starts well before it’s time to turn the sprinkler on. A good landscaper knows that water conservation is a design consideration. Check out these ideas for how to plan or rework your space to be water conscious without sacrificing curb appeal.
  1. Use native plants. Read up on which plants thrive in your zone and stick with ones that require very little watering once established.Click here to link to the Alberta Plant Hardiness Zone Map
  2. Add compost & mulch. Did you know that adding compost when planting will help retain water near the plant’s roots? Covering the area with mulch after will prevent evaporation, and, as an added bonus, using bark mulch can inhibit the growth of weeds.
  3. Be creative with non-plant material. Use rock beds, patios and other materials to create visual interest and reduce your lawn coverage.

Install an Irrigation System

water smarter - set it and forget itAn irrigation system will take into consideration area, configuration, soil type and water requirements.

Irrigation systems function best with an annual check-up. We recommend installing a wireless rain sensor to conserve water. This sensor sends a message to the controller to shut off if it is raining. Once things dry up the controller returns to the previous program. 

Basically, if your system is setup correctly you can “set it and forget it!”.

Use Quality Products

For us, the best bang for your irrigation system buck is found in a handful of small components. We like Hunter products, their commitment to quality and innovation shows.

In our effort to water smarter,  here are the top products we like to use on all Irrigation Systems we install and/or maintain:

💦 Sensors

water smarter - quality products Hunter

Overwatering can lead to flooding and undesirable runoff that can cause long-term problems. If there isn’t proper drainage, too much water can be harmful to plants, foundations and structures. Installing a wireless Rain Sensor to work with your Irrigation System will prevent overwatering.  Click here to learn more about the benefits of adding a Rain Sensor

💦 Rotors

Hunter made its reputation on the quality, reliability and innovative features found in its rotary sprinkler line and continues to set the benchmark by which other manufacturer’s rotors are judged. For spacings from 15 feet to 160 feet, you’ll find a Hunter irrigation sprinkler that meets your needs. Read more about Hunter Rotors.

💦 MP Rotator Nozzles

Hunter’s MP Rotator is a revolutionary alternative to traditional sprinkler heads and pop up sprinkler heads that spray the landscape. MP Rotator nozzles feature unique, multi-trajectory rotating streams that deliver water at a steady rate. This slower application rate allows water to gently soak in at rates that soils can absorb. Use the MP Rotator to replace the sprinkler head on any conventional spray head body or pop up sprinkler for water savings of up to 30%. Read more about Hunter’s MP Rotators.

Click here to read more about the benefits of an Irrigation System or contact us for a quote.


a wireless rain sensor will stop your system from watering in the rain

Add a Rain Sensor to Your Irrigation System

a wireless rain sensor will stop your system from watering in the rainWatering in the Rain: Why is my sprinkler coming on when it’s pouring rain?

Have you ever seen sprinklers running when it’s raining? The worst is when there is enough precipitation that the ground is saturated. The rain combined with the irrigation is causing the water to pool or run off wastefully.

So why does this happen on some properties and not on others? The solution is quite simple. A rain sensor added to your irrigation system can monitor the moisture levels and ensure that it is only watering when moisture is required.

We install, service and maintain irrigation systems and rain sensors in Strathmore and surrounding area.

I have an irrigation system but it doesn’t have a sensor, can I have one added after the fact?

The good news is that we can retrofit your system to work with a sensor.

But water is still relatively cheap, will adding a sensor really pay off?

A lot of factors play into this, including the cost of water in your area, how much rain you typically receive and the area that you’re watering.

We realize that overuse of water the odd time may not counteract the cost of a unit, but there is more to the story than a few bucks saved on your annual water bill.

Overwatering can lead to flooding and undesirable runoff that can cause long-term problems. If there isn’t proper drainage, too much water can be harmful to plants, foundations and structures.

Keep in mind that the cost of water is only going up, and that a sensor will save you for many years to come.

The added bonus of a rain sensor is perception – do your part for the environment and stop watering in the rain!

I have a sensor but my sprinklers still kick in when there is rain forecasted for a few hours later.

Spoiler alert! A rain sensor is not able to predict that it will be raining in a couple of hours.

wiresless rain sensor Landscape Plus Hunter Rain Clik photo
Hunter Wireless Rain Sensor Unit

What is the quality of the unit and will I have an ongoing maintenance cost?

The unit installed by Landscape Plus professionals is an industry-leading wireless sensor that will do the job well and not become a make-work project for you.


What does it cost to get a rain sensor added to my irrigation system?

At Landscape Plus, we can provide and install a wireless unit to an existing irrigation system. We recommend including one with all new irrigation systems. Click here to order now!

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